Socialization on preventing the dangers of drug abuse and bullying among teenagers

30 SEP 2022

One of the efforts to control drug abuse among teenagers, PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk held a socialization on the dangers of drug use for teenagers. This activity is a collaboration between Megapolitan Developments and the Central BNN. This activity was carried out by providing counseling by Kombes Pol Deni Dharmapala S.H., S.I.K., M.H.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Non-Electronic Media, Directorate of Information and Education, Deputy for Prevention of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) to teenagers at SMA Ibnu Hajar Boarding School.

In addition to socializing the dangers of drug use, there was also counseling on the Dangers of Bullying among Teenagers which was explained by Kompol Toni Ridho Nugroho S.Sos, "This activity was also held in a question and answer session with school students, the hope is that they will know and be able to differentiate more. things that are called jokes and which are categorized as bullying, considering that bullying is not only physical but also verbal. Stop bullying in our environment by implementing community policing, where we can be police for ourselves and our environment, taking care of each other, watching over each other. Said Kompol Toni to media colleagues.

Public Relations Manager of PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk, Marcel said that Adolescence is a period full of dynamics in which there are many changes and rapid developments. This period is a transition period that has many risks that occur, high drug abuse and violence among adolescents, both as victims and as perpetrators of users and acts of violence.

This event was well received by the Head of SMA Ibnu Hajar Boarding School, Mr. Zaki Mubaroh, Lc, M.Pd. He hopes that CSR activities like this can be used as an example for other private companies.