CSR Megapolitan Peduli Pendidikan - SMA IBNU HAJAR

24 OCT 2019

PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk held CSR Megapolitan Development Education Concern activities held at the IBNU HAJAR High School Boarding School, CSR is in the form of education about how to deal with disasters in earthquake and fire emergency situations. By presenting speakers who are experts in their fields, Mr. Radian Wena as Business Director of PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk.


PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk held CSR Megapolitan Development Education Concern activities held at the IBNU HAJAR High School Boarding School, CSR is in the form of education about how to deal with disasters in earthquake and fire emergency situations. By presenting speakers who are experts in their fields, Mr. Radian Wena as Business Director of PT Megapolitan Developments Tbk.

